Italian 201


Italian 201: Step Into the Heart of Italian Expression! Our engaging 10-week online course is your perfect next step in mastering la bella lingua! Building on your solid foundation from Italian 200, you’ll dive into a world where you can effortlessly discuss future dreams, share colorful memories, and navigate daily life just like a native speaker. Picture yourself confidently shopping in Milan’s fashion district, making plans with Italian friends, or sharing stories about your past adventures in Rome!

In this dynamic course, you’ll master:

  • The expressive art of talking about the future (futuro) – perfect for planning your next Italian adventure!
  • The subtle dance between passato prossimo and imperfetto – bringing your past stories to life with authentic flair
  • Essential time expressions (dopodomani, prima o poi, di solito, mentre) that make your Italian flow naturally
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns – the secret ingredients that make your Italian sound truly native
  • Rich vocabulary for fashion, technology, and travel – your passport to modern Italian life

By the end of our journey together, you’ll have transformed into a confident Italian speaker who can:

  • Navigate shopping conversations with style
  • Share memories and past experiences with natural grace
  • Make future plans like a true Italian
  • Express preferences and opinions with authenticity

Never miss a learning moment! All our classes are recorded, and you’ll receive the recording link the day after each session – perfect for reviewing key concepts or catching up if you have to miss a class.

This course is your bridge to becoming a more sophisticated Italian speaker, where grammar meets real-life communication in perfect harmony! Prerequisites: Italian 200 or equivalent high-beginner level

Your teacher is for the Winter Session is Nadia.  Your teacher for the Winter Session is Lorena.

Class Curriculum


Schedule of Dates


Day & Time: Tuesdays 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (PST)
Class Dates: Jan 21, 28 – Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 – Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25

Day & Time: Wednesdays 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm (PST)
Class Dates: Apr. 2, 9, 23, 30 – May 7, 14, 21, 28 – June 4, 11 – No Class April 16


What if Class Has Started?

For our adult classes we can accept new students once a course has started on a case-by-case basis up to mid-way through the course.  If you join a course late, the course fee will be pro-rated so that you don’t pay for the lessons you missed before joining the class. Contact us to request a pro-rated fee quote.

Textbook Info

For this course the textbook we will using is NEW Italian Espresso 1 and New Italian Espresso 1 Workbook. You can purchase the books along with your course at the time of registration or you can purchase them from our bookstore at a later date.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Please review our class terms and conditions page here.

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