Italian CSET
To complete the Italian CSET which serves to establish core competency in Italian for a single-subject credential in California, candidates must register for and pass TWO separate sub tests: 1) Italian Cultural Sub Test I & II (General Linguistics, Literature, History, Geography and Culture), and 2) Italian Language Sub Test III (Oral and written competency).
Fondazione Italia administers ONLY the Italian Language Sub Test III portion of the Italian CSET exam. Our in-person exam is held twice a year. Once in November in Southern California and once in May in Northern California. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure they register for and complete the Italian Cultural Sub Test I & II administered by the California Commission for Teaching Credentials. For more information on this portion of the Italian CSET including test dates and test overview please visit the CTC website.
Candidates must pass both the Italian Language and Cultural Sub Tests to pass the Italian CSET.
Please note that passing both parts of the Italian CSET does not provide you with a single-subject credential unless you already hold a credential in another subject. It is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure they have completed a single-subject credentialing program.
Exam Date: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: 1:00 – 4:30 pm
Location: 438 E. Harvard Road – Bungalow B, Burbank, CA 91501
Fee: $125*
Test Overview
Test Structure
Sample Test
*Deadline to register is September 13, 2024.
To register, please fill out the form below. You will be taken to cart for payment after submitting the form.
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